TBWikiDocumentation in split format
Here are links to pages of documentation for TBWiki:
Here are links to pages of documentation for TBWiki:
== Core documentation ==
This documentation is for using a tbwiki:
* [[DocBasicSyntax]] - basic markup
* [[DocLinks]] - internal and external links
* [[DocImages]] - detail on inline images
* [[DocBlocks]] - blocks - used for structuring data on page and for processes
* [[DocMarkupVariables]] - special variables to use on pages
* [[DocAttachments]] - uploaded files
* [[DocThemes]] - controlling layout and formatting
* [[DocMacros]] - using and writing Macro plugins
* [[DocProcessors]] - using and writing Processor plugins
* [[DocTables]] - tables and databases
* [[DocWebSed]] - gathering data by grabbing from other sources
* [[DocUsers]] - about user accounts
* [[DocCommandLineClient]] - about ``tbclient`` and its usage
Here is information for tbwiki administrators:
* DocConfiguration- how to configure a tbwiki instance
* DocDebug - hwo to debug a tbwiki instance
Here is information for tbwiki administrators:
* [[DocConfiguration]] - how to configure a tbwiki instance
* [[DocDebug]] - hwo to debug a tbwiki instance
HowTo make a new database
== How To ==
Here are some "HowTo" documents:
* [[HowTo make a new database]]
DocTablesInternals- Internal documentation on table handling
* DocInternalAPI - main functions and classes
== For developers ==
* [[DocTablesInternals]] - Internal documentation on table handling
* [[DocInternalAPI]] - main functions and classes
== pages needed ==
* DocInternalDirectories - what is the internal layout of directories
* DocInstallation - setting up a site
* DocTesting - how to validate pages and features