Here are some details about the operation of the code and the internal APIs available: [edit section]
Classes overview [edit section]
- class stub_class - formerly used as a flat-attribute class, like a struct, for the wiki config
- class config_class - used for the wiki config
- class user_class - used for user accounts
- class req_class - used for the main request data
- class data_class - used for data output into headers, footers, and pages
- class parse_state - holds the context for the current parse
Functions [edit section]
* def html_error(msg): * def html_escape(str): * def make_link(href, cover): * def add_to_log(req, action, timestamp, message): * def scan_log(req, page_name): * def get_env(key): * def show_env(env, full=0): * def authenticate_user(req, name, password): * def create_user(req, name, password): * def html_bullet(state, indent, rest): * def show_close(state): * def html_close(state): * def do_search(req, patc): * def do_diff(req, page1, page2): * def get_section(data, section): * def get_named_block(lines, block_name): * def put_named_block(lines, block_name, new_content): * def set_section(data, section, section_text): * def block_to_html(req, data): * def line_to_html(state, line, continuation=0): * def save_uploaded_file(req, form_field, upload_dir): * def main(req)
main(req): details [edit section]
def main(req):
Main steps:
- get the URL and POST query data
- determine what action should be performed. This defaults to "show" and is specified in the URL with "action=<foo>"
- parse the page name out of the URL or query
- set the user
- load plugins (macros and processors)
- do main action loop, which is a "while not handled:"
- check permissions (actions that need read and actions that need write)
- show
- show header
- read page data
- convert to html
- print html
- set handled and break!
- raw - show unconverted text (just html_escape it)
- split - print raw and formatted content side-by-side, for each paragraph
- edit - show an edit form
- save - save the data from an edit form
- links_here - show pages that link to this one (using do_search)
- search - show pages that match search term
- history - scan backups directory and show table of previous page versions
- info - show information about a page (last edit time, size, etc.)
- diff - show a diff of two revisions from the history page
- user.loginform - show a login form
- user.login - authenticate user, and set their cookie
- after authentication, loop to a 'show' action
- user.logout - clear the user account, and set the cookie
- after logging out, loop to a 'show' action
- user.createform - show a form for creating a user
- user.create - create a new user file based on the form
- user.editform - edit user data based on the form
- user.edit - save edited user data (NOT CURRENTLY IMPLEMENTED)
- upload - show form for uploading 3 files
- do_upload - process form for uploading files
- rename - show a rename form
- do_rename - process form for renaming a page
- delete - show a delete form
- really_delete - process form for deleting a page
- check for processor actions, of the form <processor_name>:<action>
- if found a match, call it
- consider the request handled, on return
- if no action matches, show an error
- finally, show the footer
Classes details [edit section]
class stub_class: class config_class: def __init__(self): class user_class: def __init__(self, name = "not-logged-in"): class req_class: def __init__(self, config): def set_page_name(self, page_name): def page_filename(self): def read_page(self, page_name=""): def get_page_item(self, item_ref): def put_page_item(self, item_ref, data): def make_backup(self, content, page_name=""): def make_backup_from_file(self, page_name=""): def write_page(self, content, page_name=""): def foo(self): def make_url(self, page_name): def html_escape(self, str): def add_to_message(self, msg): def add_msg_and_traceback(self, msg): def show_header(self, title): def show_footer(self): def set_user(self): def check_permission(self, wanted_access, page=None): def parse_attrs(self, data): class data_class: def __init__(self, req, init_data = {} ): def __getitem__(self, key): def page_url(self, req): def asctime(self, req): def login_form(self, req): def login_form_nobr(self, req): def nav_box_sidebar(self, req): def nav_bar(self, req): def nav_bar_bar(self, req): def search_form(self, req): def search_form_nobr(self, req): def toolbox(self, req): def action_bar(self, req): def message(self, req): class parse_state: def __init__(self, req): [edit section]
Classes overview [edit section]
- class form_fields_generator_class:
- class range_class:
- class io_handler_base:
- class io_handler_test(io_handler_base):
- class io_handler_moin_file(io_handler_base):
- class io_handler_moin_in_page(io_handler_base):
- class io_handler_attr_files(io_handler_base):
- class io_handler_parsed_files(io_handler_base):
- class table_conf_class:
- class table_class:
Functions [edit section]
def print_error(msg): def generate_field_input(tb, col_name, field_type, value, record_id): def value_trans(tb, value): def parse_range(tb, cell_row, cell_col, formula): def do_sum(tb, range): def parse_formula(tb, cell_row, cell_col, formula): def value_eval(tb, cell_row, cell_col, value): def rec_sort(id1, id2): def cmp_rev(a,b): def cmp_int(a,b): def cmp_rev_int(a,b): def set_sort_col_list(tb, sort_col_spec_str): def gen_row_output_list(tb, sortby_spec): def setup_conf_and_db(req, block=""): def macro_get_table(req, args): def get_table(req, content): def add_record_form(req): def query_form(req): def edit_table(req): def edit_table_in_place(req): def parse_moin_table(tb, data, source_spec): def read_page_or_block(req, spec, data_dir=""): def write_block(req, spec, data_dir, data): def parse_attrdb_data(data, record_id_name): def read_attrdb_file(file_path, source_spec): def get_filelist(data_dir, source_spec): def db_from_attrdb_files(tb, data_dir, source_spec): def db_from_parsed_files(tb, data_dir, source_spec): def save_attrs_to_file(tb, record): def remove_attrdb_file(tb, record_id): def convert_table_to_dict(tb, convert_nums=0): def render_moin_table(tb): def get_table_type(conf, source_spec): def get_table_data(req, data_dir, source_spec, page_name, conf): def action(req): def test():
Classes details [edit section]
class form_fields_generator_class: def __init__(self, tb, record, col_map, field_type_hints=None): def __getitem__(self, key): class range_class: def __init__(self, start_row, start_col, end_row, end_col): def get_direction(self): def __repr__(self): class io_handler_base: def __init__(self, req, tb, source_spec): def read(self): def get_record(self, record_id): def add_record(self, record_id): def update_record(self, record_id): def remove_record(self, record_id): def write(self): class table_conf_class: def __init__(self): def set_color_lists(self): def get_conf(self, req, data=""): class table_class: def __init__(self, req, conf, source_spec, page_name="(no page name)"): def lookup(self, cell_row, cell_col, ref_addr): def set_value(self, row, col, value): def get_value(self, row, col): def add_or_edit_numbered_record(self, record, record_id=""): def remove_numbered_record(self, record_id): def set_col_output_list(self, order=None): def set_row_output_list(self, order=None): def set_row_filter(self, filter): def filter_match(self, record): def show(self): def add_to_message(self, message): def html_string(self): def get_default_edit_form_spec(self): def show_record_edit_form(self, form_spec=None, record_id=None): def show_edit_table_form(self, form_spec=None): def get_default_line_edit_form_spec(self): def show_edit_table_in_place_form(self, form_spec=None): def edit_links(self): def show_query_form(self): [edit section] [edit section]