
TB Wiki



TBWiki includes a command line client, that can be used to perform operations on the wiki without going through a regular web browser.

You can get, set or locally edit an item on the wiki, where the item can be a page, section, block, record, or field.

Here is the usage for the tool:

    Usage: tbclient [options] get|put|edit <item-ref> [<new_value>]
    where the action is one of: get, put or edit, and
    item-ref can refer to a page, section, block, record or field.
    On a set, a <new_value> must be provided.  if -i is specified,
    then the data for the new_value comes from  the file specified.
    References must be fully qualified:
        page = SomePageName
        section = SomePageName@section_name
        block = SomePageName:BlockName
        record = SomePageName:TableBlockName:record_id
        field = SomePageName:TableBlockName:record_id::field_name
    and options are from:
    -h, --help            Show usage help
    -i, --infile <file>   Get <new_value> from file <file>
                          If <file> is 'stdin', then get new_value from stdin.
    -w, --wiki <wiki-ref> Specify a wiki (default

Developer information [edit section]

The server side of the interactions for this are handled by the DataHandler processor (ie plugins/

Ideas for future actions [edit section]

  • tbclient list [<type>] - list the items in the wiki (of the indicated type, if a type is provided)

TBWiki engine 1.9.3 by Tim Bird