
Tim's Space Wiki


Space Research

Here are some different research areas, for which research has been performed:

Other pages [edit section]

Vehicles [edit section]

SpaceX Starship [edit section]

Lunar vehicles [edit section]

Astrolab/Venturi Lunar Terrain Vehicle (FLEX) [edit section]

Vehicle Technologies [edit section]

Artificial Gravity [edit section]

See Artificial Gravity

space stations [edit section]

VAST Haven [edit section]

See httsp://

Moon Information [edit section]

Moon composition [edit section]

The crust consists of 43% oxygen, 20% silicon, 19% magnesium, 10% iron, 3% calcium, 3% aluminum, and trace amounts of other elements, including chromium (0.42%), titanium (0.18%), manganese (0.12%),

Lunar Materials and Resources [edit section]

Water [edit section]

impact glass beads [edit section]

water from solar wind (Hydrogen) and Oxygen [edit section]

density of solar wind [edit section]

  • Near the Earth's orbit at 1 astronomical unit (AU) the plasma flows at speeds ranging from 250 to 750 km/s (155–404 mi/s) with a density ranging between 3 and 10 particles per cubic centimeter and temperature ranging from 104 to 106 Kelvin

Lunar Construction materials [edit section]

Glass [edit section]

Costs [edit section]

How much will rockets, landers, bases, equipment and transportation cost on the moon?

Rocket costs [edit section]

  • Starship test articles are estimated to cost about $100 million per ship (including booster)
    • Likely, a fully-equipped Starship might be about $100 million, all by itself (that's a guess, though)

Lunar transfer costs [edit section]

  • Astrobotic Payload Users Guide
    • has good information about costs, details of issues that landers deal with
      • orbits, prices, capabilities, configurations, propulsion
      • environment: vibration, radiation, thermal, power, humidity, pressure, clean-room (anti-contamination), electrical, etc.
      • operations
    • $1.2 million per kg to the Lunar Surface
    • $4.5 million per kg to the Lunar Surface on a rover
    • Peregrine lander
    • Griffin lander

Dangers [edit section]

Meteors and meteorites [edit section]

meteorite material stats [edit section]

How much meteorite material hits the earth each day:

  • 100 tons per day of meteor materials hits the earth - most ends up in the atmosphere
  • 14 tons per day of very small meteorites
  • 10 tons per day of meteorites large enough to see

  • 80% of solar system dust is from comets (essentially evaporating)
    • See (regarding the origin of dust and micro-meteorites that comprise the Zodiacal cloud)
      • In particular, it seems to come from Jupiter Family Comets (JFCs)

How much meteorite material hits the moon each day:

  • 2800 lbs?

LRO measurements indicate moreeteor hits than expected

Antarctica stations [edit section]

There will likely be a lot of similarities between tourism and stations in Antarctica, and tourism and stations on the moon.

Social and societal aspects of space travel, industry and colonization [edit section]

This is a pretty interesting read:

Check back on this research - planned for 2024 and 2025:

TBWiki engine 1.9.3 by Tim Bird