Sound tests in 'raw' format
Here are some sound tests. I got here from [[Nathans page]] [[Nathan Sound Board]] {{{#!HTML Here is a script that plays a soundfile on startup. You can't see it, but it's here. <script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function playSound(soundfile) { document.getElementById("dummy").innerHTML= "<embed src=\""+soundfile+"\" hidden=\"true\" autostart=\"true\" loop=\"false\" />"; } </script> <p> If you click on the following paragraph, including the image, you should hear a click sound.<br> <p onclick="playSound('/tbw-files/hit1.ogg');"> <font color="red">Nathan image inside paragraph with sound.<br> There's more text here just to put more text on the screen so we can see if the onclick also applies to text <br> Add some more text here<br>and some more text which is kind of verbose here.<br> and here<br>so there's something obvious to click on.</font> <br> <img src="/tbw-files/Nathan-as-Steve-from-minecraft-cropped.jpg" height="320" width="180"> </p> <p> <h2>onclick example (piano)<h2> Here's an onclick example that loads a sound from another site. <span id="dummy"></span> <a href="#" onclick="playSound('');">Click here to hear a piano sequence (mp3)</a> <h2>onmouseover example (scream)<h2> <p onmouseover="playSound('/tbw-files/scream1.ogg');">Mouse over this text to hear a scream.</p> <h2>embed example<h2> Here is an alternate example of sounds, using embed and object tags. ''These are currently disabled. To test them, remove the '-not' from the tags. <embed-not height="100" width="100" src=""> <h2>object example (stare)<h2> <object-not height="50" width="100" data="/tbw-files/stare.ogg"></object> <h2>object example (scream1)<h2> <object-not height="50" width="100" data="/tbw-files/scream1.ogg"></object> Here's a ghast. The image is not connected to anything. <img src="/tbw-files/150px-Ghast.png" height="172" width="172"> }}}