
TB Wiki


Sound tests

Here are some sound tests.

I got here from Nathans page

Nathan Sound Board

Here is a script that plays a soundfile on startup. You can't see it, but it's here.

If you click on the following paragraph, including the image, you should hear a click sound.

Nathan image inside paragraph with sound.
There's more text here just to put more text on the screen so we can see if the onclick also applies to text
Add some more text here
and some more text which is kind of verbose here.
and here
so there's something obvious to click on.

onclick example (piano)

Here's an onclick example that loads a sound from another site. Click here to hear a piano sequence (mp3)

onmouseover example (scream)

Mouse over this text to hear a scream.

embed example

Here is an alternate example of sounds, using embed and object tags. ''These are currently disabled. To test them, remove the '-not' from the tags.

object example (stare)

object example (scream1)

Here's a ghast. The image is not connected to anything.

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