
Tim's Space Wiki


Lunar Hotels in split format

Here are some reports on possible Lunar hotel configurations:
Here are some reports on possible Lunar hotel configurations:

Horizontalized Starship [edit section]

== Horizontalized Starship ==
 * Starship, lowered to horizontal position
 * configured with 3 floors, airlocks on 2 sides
 * fuel tanks converted to 
 * covered in lunar regolith for micrometeorite protection


Horizontal Starship Resources [edit section]

file:SSP21_Executive_summary_TP_Lunar.pdf * file:SSP21_TP_Lunar_Team_report.pdf
=== Horizontal Starship Resources ===
 * [[file:SSP21_Executive_summary_TP_Lunar.pdf]]
 * [[file:SSP21_TP_Lunar_Team_report.pdf]]
TBWiki engine 1.9.2 by Tim Bird