
TB Wiki


TestSandbox in 'raw' format

= Section 1 =
some text 
 an edit

another edit - look at log for user name

= Section 2 =
some more text

Stuff in previous section (ha ha!)

= Section 2 =
A repeated section name (oh no)

This section needed to be renumbered
a page edit

= Test of missing text with italics =
Italics processing is making some of text in the next sentence disappear.

Here is some text that is ''italic'',
''with more words'' and ''yet more'' words shown here.

The full sentence above is:

Here is some text that is italic with more words and yet more words shown here.

= Test of missing text with angle brackets =
Here's another bug:

Here is a url<with>/<angle>/<brackets>

the full line has words <with>, <angle> and <brackets>.

There seems to be some problem with angle brackets in the domain cover text

Here is what it should look like: (ignore the extra space)

Here is a url http ://<with>/<angle>/<brackets>

Using brackets makes the link funky as well.

Try this: {{{<with>/<angle>/<brackets>}}}

= Test of word combination =

Here is a link to [[FrontPage]] with other
separate words following.

That should read:

Here is a link to [[FrontPage]] with other separate words following.

Currently, 'other' and 'separate' are combined.

Try it without a link:

Here is no link, with other
separate words following.

TBWiki engine 1.9.2 by Tim Bird