This processor puts the block contents into a fancy pale yellow box, to higlight it. Note that it processes the markup in the content.
test named block [edit section]
Here is the processor block:{{{#!TestBlockName:myblock block with a name - should have the name 'myblock' }} }
The following sections should match:
block_name='TestProcessorTestBlockName:myblock' Block content: block with a name - should have the name 'myblock'
block_name='TestProcessorTestBlockName:myblock' Block content: block with a name - should have the name 'myblock'
test unnamed block [edit section]
Here is the processor block:{{{#!TestBlockName block with no name - should have a numbered block name }} }
The following sections should match:
block_name='TestProcessorTestBlockName:__block4' Block content: block with no name - should have a numbered block name
block_name='TestProcessorTestBlockName:__block4' Block content: block with no name - should have a numbered block name