
TB Wiki



Here is the test page for the 'FooReplace' processor.

This is a sample processor that is used in the TBWikiDocumentation.

processor block [edit section]

Here is the processor block:
This text has foo, but it ('foo') should be replaced by 'bar' in the output.
football is a fun game.
}} }

result output [edit section]

Here is the result from the processor:

This text has bar, but it ('bar') should be replaced by 'bar' in the output. bartball is a fun game. xxxbarxxxbarxxx

expected result [edit section]

The expected output should be:

This text has bar, but it ('bar') should be replaced by 'bar' in the output. bartball is a fun game. xxxbarxxxbarxxx

TBWiki engine 1.9.3 by Tim Bird