markup outside a block (non-preformat) [edit section]
This text should be displayed using regular HTML formatting here (based on stardard TBWiki markup).- here's a bold bullet list item
The following should be shown:
Preformat block [edit section]
This should be in preformat with indents and all * This should NOT be a '''bold''' bullet list item here is a staircase of indents
comment block / hidden block [edit section]
Now, try showing with a comment block:In this section, there is a block in the page source.
The first line starts with a '#' symbol, which means the whole block is a comment (or that it is hidden)
This is text before the comment/hidden block.
This is the text after the hidden block
named block [edit section]
Block1 This text is part of "Block1" You could refer to externally as TestBlocks:Block1
there is also a hidden named block, right after this line:
This block could be referred to externally as TestBlocks:Block2
block start mid-line [edit section]
hi there {{{this is a block }}}
This doesn't seem to be supported.
block end mid-line [edit section]
midend a traditional opening, then ending the block}}} in the middle of a line --- Just in case that didn't work, put a close here:
macro to get the 'midend' block, just declared [edit section]
How much is present?a traditional opening, then ending
See also [edit section]
See also TestProcessorGetBlock