
Tim's Space Wiki


System Info

System Info [edit section]

Here is the system information for this wiki:

Site Title
"Tim's Space Wiki"
TBWiki Version
Release 1.9.3 (v1.9.3-9-g0141990)
Python Version
2.7.5 (default, Oct 3 2024, 12:56:01) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-44)]
Number of pages
BR, Backup, ENV, FileList, FuegoRequestList, FuegoRunsList, FuegoTestList, HTML, Include, MissingPages, PageList, RecentChanges, Search, SystemInfo, TableOfContents, TestNoMain, TitleIndex, html_error
Blog, BlogMultipage, Bold, BootRegion, Chart, DataHandler, ExportSite, Flot, Foo, FooReplace, Fuego, FuegoShow, GetBlock, HTML, ImageGallery, IndentPre, PigLatin, ProgressChart, Refresh, RegEx, RegressionCheck, SlideShow, Snapshot, Table, TestBlockName, Transcriber, Trigger, User, UserChoice, WebSed, YellowBlock, YellowBox, bc

Files are located at: /space_files

Missing Pages [edit section]

Here is a list of missing pages for this wiki:

There are 0 missing pages, referenced from 0 pages, total references = 0

FIXTHIS items [edit section]

Below is a table of FIXTHIS lines in the pages for tbwiki.

FIXTHIS - add 'page' attribute to datascan module, for a link to the page

To make a FIXTHIS entry on a page, put the word FIXTHIS, followed by space and a dash, then the description of the item to be fixed (which should go until the end of the line).

Example: FIXTHIS - should add foo here

file  ^ line_no  ^ description  ^
GG_Airlock 17 GG_suiting_up.JPG needs color
GG_Earth_Landing 4 need a picture of starship descending through atmosphere
GG_Ending 11 Ending needs its own picture
GG_Landing 8 GG_moon_landing.JPG needs a black sky
GG_Meals 5 GG_Meals description needs rework.
GG_Meals 13 need better drawings of space food
GG_Moon_Activities 9 GG_moon_pool_basketball.JPG needs color
GG_Moon_Food 8 GG_moon_hydroponics.JPG needs plants and color!
GG_Refuel 8 GG_fuel_depot.JPG needs to have earth colored
GG_Return_Transit 14 GG_crew_lecture.JPG is very rough
GG_Return_Transit 16 this page and the page before it both have lectures - that's too many
GG_Space 8 GG_weightless.JPG needs darker lines
GG_Spaceship 4 need picture: diagram of the Starship
GG_Transit 8 GG_transit_to_the_moon.JPG needs colors on earth
System_Info 18 add 'page' attribute to datascan module, for a link to the page
Talk:GG_Moon_Activities 40 finish detailed descriptions of moon activities here (for longer book)
Talk:GG_Spaceship 9 what will floor 5 of the transport starship have?

Note: This table is created using the data_scan and table modules.

FIXTHIS priorities [edit section]

top priorities:

TBWiki engine 1.9.3 by Tim Bird