
San Jose Scout Wiki


How to make a new page, and link to it

This page describes how to make a new page with it's associated link.

The easiest way to make a new page on this site is to make the link first, and then to click on the link. This site "knows" when you have clicked on a link to a page which does not exist. If you click on a link and the page doesn't exist yet, the system will show you an edit box so you can provide the contents of that page. At that point you would just fill in the information in the edit box, and save the page.

The tricky thing about this is that you have to know the page where you want the link to appear before you start editing the page.

Follow these steps to create a new page:

  • think of the title of the new page
  • edit the page where the link will be
  • click on the link you just created
  • write the information for the new page
  • click on "Save"

Think of the title of the new page [edit section]

Before you do anything, you have to think of the title for the new page you will be creating. It could be a single word, or a short series of words. Most page names are just a short series of words, like the title of a book or chapter in a book, or a short phrase describing an action. If you look on the left side of the screen, you will see that some pages on this site have the titles: "Front Page", Recent Changes", or "Help".

The title is also called the "name" of the page, and this series of words will be used when making a link to the page.

For example, the title of this page is "How to make a new page, and link to it". That title is a bit long. Most titles are just a few words. A link to this page looks like this: How to make a new page, and link to it.

Once you have the title, you can proceed to the next step.

Edit the page where the link will be [edit section]

To edit a page, click on the tab with the words "edit this page". You will see a lot of text on the page, in a box that you can edit in your web browser.

Find the place where you want the link to your page to appear. It might be in a list, or in a sentence or paragraph. Make the "link", by adding your title, but surrounded by 2 square brackets on each side, like so: [[My title]].

Put that sequence of characters (your title name surrounded by brackets) into the text where you want the link to appear, and click on the "Save" button.

Click on the link you just created [edit section]

When you save the page, the system will show you the page again, with a message in a green box saying that the save was successful, and showing the page with your link in it.

Click on the link, and a new edit window should appear. You should see the words:

      Could not find page "..."
      You can create the page now by editing the following:
followed by a box where you can type stuff.

Write the information for the new page [edit section]

At this point, it is time to actually add the information for the page. In the edit window, type in the sentences you want. You can include special characters for formatting, such as bullets, headings, bold, italic, etc.

Also, you can include images, tables, links to other pages, links to web sites, and more.

Often, you will write just a little information to get started, and then fill in additional material later. Just write what you want in the edit box.

Please note that usually the word wrapping in the edit box will not be the same as how the words will be wrapped when the page is displayed on the web. Don't worry about that for now. We'll come back to that topic (page formatting), later.

Save the new page [edit section]

When done writing, click the "Save" button. The system should provide a message indicating that the save was successful, and you should see your new page. It will also appear in the Article Index for this site.

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