function safe cmd in 'raw' format
= NAME = safe_cmd = SYNOPSIS = safe_cmd "<command>" = DESCRIPTION = This function is used to execute a command on the target with a greater degree of safety. In particular, the oom score for the process is adjusted so that if the target platform runs out of memory during the execution, it will be the first process killed on the system. It basically just calls [[function_ov_rootfs_oom|ov_rootfs_oom]] to adjust the oom score, and then calls [[function_cmd|cmd]] with the command to execute on target. This is chiefly used by [[function_report|report]] and [[function_report_append|report_append]] to avoid problems overflowing memory or disturbing other processes when executing the main command to execute the test. = EXAMPLES = Here are some sample invocations: {{{#!YellowBox safe_cmd "{ $1; echo \$? > $RETCODE; } 2>&1 | tee $2; exit \$(cat $RETCODE; rm $RETCODE &>/dev/null)" }}} = ENVIRONMENT and ARGUMENTS = This function takes one positional argument, which is the command to execute. = RETURN = Returns non-zero on error. = SOURCE = Located in ''scripts/'' = SEE ALSO = * [[function_ov_rootfs_oom|ov_rootfs_oom]], [[function_report|report]], [[function_report_append|report_append]]