function kill procs in 'raw' format
= NAME = kill_procs = SYNOPSIS = kill_procs $1 [$2 ...] = DESCRIPTION = This function is used to kill processes by name on the target board. It's primary use it intended to be for cleaning up after a test (in case the test left processes still running on the target. For that usage, it is normally called from the base script's [[function_test_cleanup|test_cleanup]] function. It is important to use specific process names. Effectively 'grep' is used to match the process name to the processes to be killed on the target. If a name is provided that is too general, you will end up killing more than you expected on the target. = EXAMPLES = Here are some sample invocations: {{{#!YellowBox kill_procs interbench }}} {{{#!YellowBox kill_procs lmbench lat_mem_rd par_mem }}} = ENVIRONMENT and ARGUMENTS = This function takes the following arguments: * $1, $2, $3, $4 ... names of processes to kill = RETURN = Returns true. = SOURCE = Located in ''scripts/'' = SEE ALSO = * [[function_test_cleanup|test_cleanup]], [[function_ov_rootfs_kill|ov_rootfs_kill]]