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Fuego 1.0 wiki


Using the qemuarm target in split format

Here are some quick instructions for using the qemuarm target that is preinstalled in fuego.
Here are some quick instructions for using the qemuarm target that is
preinstalled in fuego.
Fuego does not ship with a qemuarm image in the repository, but assumes that you have built one with the Yocto Project.
Fuego does not ship with a qemuarm image in the repository, but assumes
that you have built one with the Yocto Project.
If you don't have one lying around, you will need to build one. Then you should follow the other steps on this page to configure it to run with Fuego.
If you don't have one lying around, you will need to build one.  Then
you should follow the other steps on this  page to configure it to run
with Fuego.

Build a qemuarm image [edit section]

Yocto Project Quick Start, for more information)
= Build a qemuarm image =
Here are some quick steps for building a qemuarm image using the Yocto Project:
(See the [[|Yocto Project Quick Start]], for more information)
Note that these steps are for Ubuntu.
Note that these steps are for Ubuntu.
  • make sure you have required packages for building the software * sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-dev xterm * install the qemu software * sudo apt-get install qemu-user * download the latest stable release of the Yocto Project * git clone git:// * configure for building the qemuarm target * cd poky * source oe-init-build-env build-qemuarm build-qemuarm * edit conf/local.conf * Under the comment about "Machine Selection", uncomment the line 'MACHINE ?= "qemuarm"' * build a minimal image (this will take a while) * bitbake core-image-minimal
 * make sure you have required packages for building the software
   * sudo apt-get install gawk wget git-core diffstat unzip texinfo gcc-multilib build-essential chrpath socat libsdl1.2-dev xterm
 * install the qemu software
   * sudo apt-get install qemu-user
 * download the latest stable release of the Yocto Project
   * git clone git://
 * configure for building the qemuarm target
   * cd poky
   * source oe-init-build-env build-qemuarm build-qemuarm
   * edit conf/local.conf
     * Under the comment about "Machine Selection", uncomment the line 'MACHINE ?= "qemuarm"'
 * build a minimal image (this will take a while)
   * bitbake core-image-minimal

Running the qemuarm image [edit section]

= Running the qemuarm image =
You can run the emulator, using the image you just built:
 * run the emulator
   * runqemu qemuarm
  • find the address and ssh port for the image * inside the image, do 'ifconfig eth0'
 * find the address and ssh port for the image
   * inside the image, do 'ifconfig eth0'

Test connectivity [edit section]

= Test connectivity =
From the host, verify that the networking is running:
 * ping
 * ssh root@
Of course, substitute the correct IP address in the commands above.
Of course, substitute the correct IP address in the commands above.
Once you know that things are working, directly connecting from the host to the qemuarm image, make sure the correct values are in the qemu-arm.board file. You can edit this file inside the fuego container at /userdata/conf/boards/qemu-arm.board, or on your host in .../fuego/userdata/conf/board/qemu-arm.board
Once you know that things are working, directly connecting from the
host to the qemuarm image, make sure the correct values are in the
qemu-arm.board file.  You can edit this file inside the fuego container
at /userdata/conf/boards/qemu-arm.board, or on your host in .../fuego/userdata/conf/board/qemu-arm.board
Here are the values you should set: * IPADDR="" * SSH_PORT=22 * LOGIN="root" * PASSWORD=""
Here are the values you should set:
 * IPADDR=""
 * SSH_PORT=22
 * LOGIN="root"

Test building software [edit section]

= Test building software =
It is important to be able to build the test software for the image you
are using with qemu.
The toolchain used to compile programs for a board is controlled via the PLATFORM variable in the board file. Currently the qemu-arm.board file specifies PLATFORM="qemu-armv7hf". Unfortunately, in my own testing that toolchain won't produce a binary that runs with a core-image-minimal image from YP Poky.
The toolchain used to compile programs for a board is controlled via
the PLATFORM variable in the board file.  Currently the qemu-arm.board
file specifies PLATFORM="qemu-armv7hf".  Unfortunately, in my own testing
that toolchain won't produce a binary that runs with a core-image-minimal
image from YP Poky.
You may need to install your Yocto Project SDK into fuego, in order to successfully build programs for the platforms.
You may need to install your Yocto Project SDK into fuego, in order to
successfully build programs for the platforms.
See Adding a toolchain for information about how to do that.
See [[Adding a toolchain]] for information about how to do that.
Try building a simple program, like hello_world, as a test for the new system, and see what happens.
Try building a simple program, like hello_world, as a test for the new system, and see what happens.
TBWiki engine 1.9.3 by Tim Bird