
Fuego 1.0 wiki


Questions in split format

Here are some unanswered questions.
Here are some unanswered questions.
FIXTHIS - answer all of the questions on the Questions page (5 remaining)
FIXTHIS - answer all of the questions on the [[Questions]] page (5 remaining)

Questions [edit section]

= Questions =
== Fuego questions ==
 * why does the Exclusion administration page have all tests dependent on $JOB_NAME?
 * How does a test get the result of "unstable" or "aborted", in the Jenkins interface?
 * what is last_used_testplan used for?
   * this is set by every test job's command sequence
   * possibly this is used by the groovy script to set the default testplan for the next test?
 * what is postbuild.groovy used for
   * Benchmark.dbench failed on 5/13/16 due to postbuild.groovy problem
 * how can I easily make a change in fuego inside the container (say to a test script), and then push it to my fuego-core repository outside the container?
   * I've been transmitting things by git format-match, moving them through /userdata, then git am-ing them on the other side.  This is awkward.
   * bigger question: why am I working in 2 places?
     * because I don't trust the container, or don't have access to a full development environment
   * Notes:
     * the fuego-core repository '''has''' to be in the container
     * this is the easiest place to work
     * should I write a script to set up my git environment so I can work directly inside the container???
       * yes - see ~/work/fuego/
 * why are there so many instances and links to
   * which of is used by the plotting feature?
   * it's in fuego/userdata/logs/ (which is in the fuego repository)
   * it's in fuego-core/jobs/ (whic is in the fuego-core repository)
   * inside the target, you can find at:
      * 1. /userdata/logs/ (the one from fuego git repository)
      * 2. /home/jenkins/logs/ (same as 1, via 'logs' symlink)
      * 3. /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/fuego.logs/ (same as 1, via fuego.logs symlink)
      * 4. /home/jenkins/fuego/jobs/ (the one from fuego-core git repo)
      * 5. /var/lib/jenkins/userContent/ (same as 4 via symlink)

Jenkins questions [edit section]

== Jenkins questions ==
 * why are there two plots for each metric shown by the 'flot' plugin?
   * what is the second one for (shorter, below the main one)
     * need to look at mod.js and try to figure it out

Answers [edit section]

= Answers =

Questions that were answered [edit section]

Overlay Generation
== Questions that were answered ==
 * how does work?
   * see [[Overlay Generation]]
 * how does Jenkins know whether a fuego test succeeded or failed
   * See [[Feugo test results determination]]
  • what does the notepad icon mean in the 0.History tab on the home dashboard screen? * It means that the test run has a build.description, and the notepad is a link to that. * This view is a "Latest tests run" portlet, provided by the Dashboard-view plugin, with the 0.History pane configured by Cogent Embedded. * See: Dashboard_view#the_0.History_notepad_icon_mystery for details
 * what does the notepad icon mean in the 0.History tab on the home dashboard screen?
   * It means that the test run has a build.description, and the notepad is a link to that.
   * This view is a "Latest tests run" portlet, provided by the Dashboard-view plugin, with the 0.History pane configured by Cogent Embedded.
   * See: [[Dashboard_view#the_0.History_notepad_icon_mystery]] for details
  • how does Jenkins know the path to the jobs directory under /home/jenkins/fuego jobs? * there's a symlink from /var/lib/jenkins/jobs to /home/jenkins/fuego/jobs * Jenkins creates the build.xml file, and the symlinks for the build number, and last*Build files * see also: build.xml
 * how does Jenkins know the path to the jobs directory under /home/jenkins/fuego jobs?
   * there's a symlink from /var/lib/jenkins/jobs to /home/jenkins/fuego/jobs
   * Jenkins creates the build.xml file, and the symlinks for the build number, and last*Build files
   * see also: [[build.xml]]
  • what plugins are installed in Jenkins in fuego, and what are they used for. * see Jenkins Plugins
 * what plugins are installed in Jenkins in fuego, and what are they used for.
   * see [[Jenkins Plugins]]
  • How can you see the devlog, systemlog and test log for a test? * If you go to http://localhost:8080/fuego/userContent you can see the directories that are in /var/lib/jenkins/userContent. This include fuego.logs, which is a symlink to /home/jenkins/logs
 * How can you see the devlog, systemlog and test log for a test?
   * If you go to http://localhost:8080/fuego/userContent you can see the directories that are in /var/lib/jenkins/userContent.  This include fuego.logs, which is a symlink to /home/jenkins/logs

Questions answered, but not documented elsewhere in the wiki yet [edit section]

== Questions answered, but not documented elsewhere in the wiki yet ==
 * why is the log not copied for Functional.hello_world.log (on test failure on Sep 1)
   * because the test program itself returned failure.  It should only indicate failure in the log, and return success
     * or, the test script should force success after the test runs
   * FIXTHIS - document that test programs should exit with 0 indicating a successful run, even if what they are testing failed.  Exit of non-zero indicates a failure of test infrastructure, not failure of the test.
TBWiki engine 1.9.3 by Tim Bird