
Fuego 1.0 wiki


Jenkins-Fuego Details in split format

Here are details about the elements of Jenkins and Fuego:
Here are details about the elements of Jenkins and Fuego:

boards/targets [edit section]

= boards/targets =
A board is defined by:
 * jenkins file: /var/lib/jenkins/config.xml (in an xml section called "slave")
   * BOARD_OVERLAY variable (e.g. "boards/<name>.board")
   * DISTRIB variable (e.g. "distribs/nologger.dist")
 * fuego file: /userdata/boards/<name>.board
   * linked to by /home/jenkins/overlays/boards
   * defines: IPADDR, SSH_PORT, LOGIN, FUEGO_HOME (on target)
   * defines: PLATFORM
 * /userdata/conf/
   * has comparisons for different PLATFORMS
   * defines:
Also called 'Device' by Jenkins, called 'NODE_NAME' by Jenkins
Also called 'Device' by Jenkins, called 'NODE_NAME' by Jenkins

test [edit section]

Test definition
= test =
See [[Test definition]]
A test is defined by: * jenkins files: * /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/<test_name>/config.xml - expected to be static * asks user to select 'Device' (from list of targets) * asks user to select 'TESTPLAN' (from list of testplans) * provides form for: 'Reboot', 'Rebuild', 'Target_Cleanup' * specifies shell command sequence to cause build * this references the script for the test, at: * $FUEGO_TESTS_PATH/<test_name>/<script_name>.sh * in the publishers section, it defines: * script for post-test opeations * & post_test $TESTDIR * /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/<test_name>/nextBuildNumber - changes for each run * these files are found at: * /home/jenkins/fuego/jobs/<test_name> * fuego files: * in /home/jenkins/fuego/jobs/<test_name> * <test> * tarball * reference.log *
A test is defined by:
 * jenkins files:
    * /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/<test_name>/config.xml - expected to be static
      * asks user to select 'Device' (from list of targets)
      * asks user to select 'TESTPLAN' (from list of testplans)
      * provides form for: 'Reboot', 'Rebuild', 'Target_Cleanup'
      * specifies shell command sequence to cause build
        * this references the script for the test, at:
           * $FUEGO_TESTS_PATH/<test_name>/<script_name>.sh
      * in the publishers section, it defines:
        * script for post-test opeations
           * & post_test $TESTDIR
    * /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/<test_name>/nextBuildNumber - changes for each run
    * these files are found at:
      * /home/jenkins/fuego/jobs/<test_name>
 * fuego files:
    * in /home/jenkins/fuego/jobs/<test_name>
      * <test>
      * tarball
      * reference.log

test run [edit section]

= test run =
A test run is defined by:
 * jenkins files:
   * /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/<test_name>/builds/<target>.<build_id>/build.xml
   * /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/<test_name>/builds/<target>.<build_id>/changelog.xml
   * /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/<test_name>/builds/<target>.<build_id>/log
     * this is the console log
 * fuego log files:
   * /home/jenkins/logs/<test_name>/devlogs/<target>.<build_id>.txt
   * /home/jenkins/logs/<test_name>/systemlogs/<target>.<build_id>.before
   * /home/jenkins/logs/<test_name>/systemlogs/<target>.<build_id>.after
   * /home/jenkins/logs/<test_name>/testlogs/<target>.<build_id>.log
   * /home/jenkins/logs/<test_name>/testlogs/<target>.<build_id>.{4}.log
     * these are also found in /userdata/logs/<test_name>/...
 * benchmark results:
   * /home/jenkins/logs/<test_name>/
   * /home/jenkins/logs/<test_name>/plot.png
   * /home/jenkins/logs/<test_name>/<testname>.info.json
   * /home/jenkins/logs/<test_name>/<testname>.<metric1>.json
     * with a file for each metric
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