
Fuego 1.0 wiki


Issue 0024 in 'raw' format

; Summary: Make test package system
; Owner: Tim
; Reporter: Tim
; Status: open
; Priority: high

= Description =
Separate all components of a test into separate items, and have them all
reside in a single directory (the test directory).
 * (done) this might require refactoring the way testplans and test specs are done
 * (done) Add a command to 'ftc' to install a test package. (ftc install-test)
 * (done) Add an 'ftc' command to package a test for distribution. (ftc package-test)
 * Add an 'ftc' command to remove a test from the system (ftc rm-test)
 * Add an 'ftc' command to query an installed package. (ftc query-test)
 * Add an 'ftc' command to query a package file. (ftc query-testpackage?)

Allow a test to specify dependencies.

See [[Test package system]]

= Notes =
This task should be broken up into sub-tasks.

I already have an ftc command to list the installed packages.

; backlink: [[Fuego Issues List]]

TBWiki engine 1.9.3 by Tim Bird