Fuego_Tips >> Issue_0028 

Fuego 1.0 wiki


Issue 0004 in split format

Document the method of checking functional test results ; Owner: Tim ; Reporter: Tim ; Status:done ; Priority: high
; Summary: Document the method of checking functional test results
; Owner: Tim
; Reporter: Tim
; Status:done
; Priority: high

Description [edit section]

= Description =
The last part of the interface between Jenkins and the Fuego scripts is
the communication detection from the test log of either success or failure.
This should be documented somewhere.
This should be documented somewhere.
Much of it is documented in log_compare, but some should be put in the Jenkins/Scripts API document.
Much of it is documented in [[function_log_compare|log_compare]], but some should be put
in the Jenkins/Scripts API document.

Notes [edit section]

= Notes =
The log file parsing is handled by log_compare, which is documented
now at [[function_log_compare|log_compare]].

Fuego Issues List

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TBWiki engine 1.9.3 by Tim Bird