OSS_Test_Vision >> function_check_create_logrun 

Fuego 1.0 wiki


Fuego To Do List in 'raw' format

This page has lists and links to other pages where you can find things
to work on in Fuego.

= Main list =
 * See [[Fuego Issues List]] for the main list of issues to work on in Fuego.

= Main Item(s) in progress =
 * Currently, I'm working on [[Issue 0026]] - dependencies

== other pages with work to-do ==
Here are also other categories of things to work on, specified on different pages:

 * [[Questions]] has questions about Fuego that have not been answered or documentated yet
 * [[Fuego Wiki To Do List]] has a list of items to work on in this wiki.
   * [[Fuego Wiki Fixthis List]] has list of items that need to be fixed, in this wiki
     * these are items marked with a FIXTHIS tag on some page in the wiki
   * See the [[MissingPages]] page for a list of pages that are referenced but don't exist in this wiki
 * [[Fuego To Do Staging Ground]] has free-form list of items to work on, in Fuego. (this is/was the predecessor to the issues list in tbwiki database format).
   * This page has ideas that have been collected from various sources, like the mailing list, conference sessions, LTSI workshop meetings, and more.
 * [[FTC todo list]] - list of things to finish on FTC tool
 * [[Projects in flight]] - list of projects various groups are working on
 * [[New test ideas]] - list of new tests that should be added to Fuego

TBWiki engine 1.9.3 by Tim Bird