Adding_a_test >> Fuego_Issues_List 

Fuego 1.0 wiki


Fuego Issues List

Here is a list of Fuego issues:

record_id  ^ Summary  ^ Status  ^ Priority  ^ Owner  ^
0014 Make it easier to run with qemuarm target open high Tim
0012 Add all outstanding patches to fuego and fuego-core open high Tim
0035 Functional.scifab uses OSV_HOME for test directory on target open high Tim
0036 Make sure post_test runs if test is interrupted open high Tim
0030 Several tests are deficient open high Tim
0033 Add missing tests from Matrix.official open high Tim
0021 Jenkins sometimes fails to show the list of tests open high Tim
0004 Document the method of checking functional test results done high Tim
0024 Make test package system open high Tim
0025 eliminate code in all tests that manages last_used_testplan; open high Tim
0008 Add Fuego target configuration test open high Tim
0034 write a Fuego plugin for Jenkins open low Tim
0007 Add kselftest to Fuego open low not assigned
0017 Add target database (aka "board dictionary") feature to fuego open medium Tim
0016 Add Description of test in user interface open medium Tim
0013 check for required test program (bc) on target in done medium Tim
0023 make testplan and test spec optional in-progress medium Tim
0037 Change Fuego PDF documentation to ascii doc open medium Tim
0031 get rid of one of nbench_bytes and nbench-bytes open medium Tim
0032 remove open_posix test suite open medium Tim
0006 finish ftc command line tool open medium Tim
0001 Improve the guide documentation open medium Tim
0028 fuego-core has both Benchmark.nbench_byte and Benchmark.nbench-byte open medium Tim
0009 Create a method to detect a test binary already on the target in-progress medium Tim
0022 plot.png only has data for one test run open medium Tim
0005 Use latest Jenkins version for Fuego open very high Tim
0026 add test dependencies in progress very high Tim

Go to Fuego To Do List

See also Fuego closed issues

TBWiki engine 1.9.3 by Tim Bird