
TB Wiki


Unit Test Notes in 'raw' format

Here are some design notes for the unit test feature of tbwiki:

== Desired Features ==
 * process a set of unit tests automatically, and report any regressions
 * save an existing HTML for a wiki page as a "good" reference for the output for particular markup
 * have specific unit tests, with markup, and expected html
   * process those in a batch

 * have a collection of pages with HTML 'expected result' files
 * this feature overlaps with caching
   * generation of html file
   * checking status of html file

== Design of regression test feature ==
 * run engine from command line to convert a page into it's corresponding HTML
 * OR, run the regression test inside a Processor

 * forms needed:
   * show list of pages and their status:
     * green = tbwiki current engine is producing expected output
     * red = tbwiki current engine is not producing expected output
     * orange = there is not expected output file
   * allow saving a page's current output as the expected output
      * should convert to green
 * create a directory:
   * expected_html
 * need compare_with_expected_output function

== Some other notes ==
 * may need to run with some variables different
   * need to run with different user?, cookies?, theme?

== to do ==

   * by default, show list of all pages, with status of each page
   * show a link for each page, to update the expected output
 * remove expected_output pages by hand
TBWiki engine 1.9.1 by Tim Bird