
TB Wiki


TestProcessors in 'raw' format


= Local Processors =
== Processor Foo ==
Here is the output from the processor Foo:

Here is processor Foo's content.


== Processor Bold ==
Here is output from processor "Bold":

This text should be bold.

== Process PigLatin ==
Here is output from processor "PigLatin":

Here is the original text:

This text and the word "apple" should be translated to pig latin, eh?

And here is the translation:

This text and the word "apple" should be translated to pig latin, eh?

Note that the PigLatin translator is very simple, and only handles
simple words.

= Processors with their own test pages =
 * [[TestProcessorHTML]]
 * [[TestProcessorRegEx]]
 * [[TestProcessorBC]]
 * [[TestProcessorGetBlock]]
 * [[TestProcessorFooReplace]]
 * [[TestProcessorUserChoice]]
 * [[TestProcessorYellowBlock]]
 * [[TestProcessorTestBlockName]]

= Processor test page template =
Please use this template when creating a new processor test page:
 * [[TestProcessorTemplate]]

== Charts ==
 * See [[Processor Chart Test]]
 * See [[TestProgressChart]]

TBWiki engine 1.9.1 by Tim Bird