
TB Wiki


TestProcessorYellowBlock in split format

Here is the test page for the 'YellowBlock' processor.
Here is the test page for the 'YellowBlock' processor.
This processor puts the block contents into a fancy pale yellow box, to higlight it. Note that it processes the markup in the content.
This processor puts the block contents into a fancy pale yellow box,
to higlight it.  Note that it processes the markup in the content.

processor block [edit section]

== processor block ==
Here is the processor block:
 * a bullet
}} }

result output [edit section]

== result output ==
Here is the result from the processor:
 * a bullet

expected result [edit section]

== expected result ==
The expected output should be:
content * a bullet '''bold'''
{{HTML(<div style="background-color:#ffffe0; padding:5px; border-style: solid none solid none; border-width: 1px 1px 1px 1px;">)}}
 * a bullet
TBWiki engine 1.9.1 by Tim Bird