
TB Wiki


TestProcessorHTML in split format

Here is the test page for the HTML processor.
Here is the test page for the HTML processor.
This processor is used to put arbitrary HTML into a wiki page. This is useful to add elements that the markup language does not handle.
This processor is used to put arbitrary HTML into a wiki page.  This is
useful to add elements that the markup language does not handle.

processor block [edit section]

== processor block ==
Here is the processor block:
Here are some words in different styles: <b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i>,
<font color="red">red</font>
}} }

result output [edit section]

== result output ==
Here is the result from the processor:
Here are some words in different styles: <b>bold</b>, <i>italic</i>,
<font color="red">red</font>

expected result [edit section]

== expected result ==
The expected output should be:
Here are some words in different styles '''bold''', ''italic'', red
Here are some words in different styles '''bold''', ''italic'',
{{HTML(<font color="red">red</font>)}}
TBWiki engine 1.9.1 by Tim Bird