Fuego_Wiki_To_Do_List >> Issue_0025 >> Tests >> Issue_0017 >> function_report_append 

Fuego 1.2 wiki


test execution flow outline in 'raw' format


Here is an outline of the flow of control for test execution in fuego:

This example if for the fictional test Functional.foo:

 * '''Jenkins''' - decides there is a test to perform (maybe based on user input)
  * '''/var/lib/jenkins/jobs/<job_name>/config.xml'''  has a shell fragment that is executed by Jenkins, this may do other setup, but ultimately it sources the base test script for this test.
    * ''test script''
      * defines the test base functions, and then sources:
      * '''functional.sh'''
        * source '''overlays.sh'''
        * '''set_overlay_vars'''
            * ovgen.py
          * source $OF_OUTPUT_FILE
        * source '''reports.sh'''
        * source '''functions.sh'''
        * '''pre_test'''
          * '''test_pre_check''' - base script function to check test requirements
        * '''build'''
          * '''pre_build'''
          * '''test_build''' - base script function to build the test program from source
          * '''post_build'''
        * '''deploy'''
          * '''pre_deploy'''
          * '''test_deploy''' - base script function to deploy the test to the target
          * '''post_deploy'''
        * '''test_run''' - base script function to run the test
        * '''get_testlog'''
        * '''test_processing''' - base script function to analyze the test results
          * '''log_compare'''
        * '''post_test'''
          * '''test_cleanup''' - base script function to terminate any dangling processes on the target board
   * Jenkins post_build actions
     * description setter plugin sets the build links

= sample paths =
The overlay generator is called with the following arguments:
run_python /fuego-core/engine/scripts/ovgen/ovgen.py \
  --classdir /fuego-core/engine/overlays/base \
  --ovfiles /fuego-core/engine/overlays/distribs/nologger.dist \
      /fuego-ro/boards/beaglebone.board \
  --testplan /fuego-core/engine/overlays/testplans/testplan_default.json \
  --specdir /fuego-core/engine/tests/Functional.bc/ \
  --output /fuego-rw/logs/Functional.bc/<run_name>/prolog.sh

= comparison of top-level scripts =
Here is a comparison of the 3 top-level scripts used by Fuego base scripts:
 * functional.sh
 * benchmark.sh
 * stress.sh

functional.sh outline:
 * source overlays.sh, set_overlay_vars
 * source reports.sh
 * source functions.sh
 * pre_test
 * if $Rebuild, build
 * deploy
 * test_run
 * get_testlog
 * test_processing

benchmark.sh outline:
 * source overlays.sh, set_overlay_vars
 * source reports.sh
 * source functions.sh
 * pre_test
 * if $Rebuild, build
 * deploy
 * test_run
 * set_testres_file
 * bench_processing
 * check_create_logrun

stress.sh outline:
 * source overlays.sh, set_overlay_vars
 * source reports.sh
 * source functions.sh
 * pre_test
 * if $Rebuild, build
 * deploy
 * test_run
 * get_testlog

stress.sh is only used by 2 tests, and is a strict subset of the functional test.  The 2 tests are: Functional.scrashme and Functional.pi_tests.

Here is a table showing the differences:
||source overlays.sh, set_overlay_vars||x||x||x||
||source reports.sh||x||x||x||
||source functions.sh||x||x||x||
||if $Rebuild, [[function_build|build]]||x||x||x||
||[[function_get_testlog|get_testlog]]||x||x||(called inside bench_processing)||

FIXTHIS - 1.2 the table (and this page) need updating for the 1.2 release

See [[function_fetch_results]], [[function_test_fetch_results]] (used only by LTP), [[function_post_test]]

= test information =
== jobs definitions ==
As of February 2017, there are 67 job config.xml files under fuego-core/jobs

63 jobs source something besides functions.sh (functions.sh is sourced for the call to post_test)

The job Functional.libpng/config.xml sources 2 items (besides functions.sh)
This test is very weird and runs all the phases itself, instead of
running a single base script.

The following jobs don't source any shell scripts:
 * Matrix.Nightly
 * Matrix.Official
 * Run ALL test on ALL targets
 * Run ALL tests on SELECTED targets
 * Service.ReloadConfiguration

There are 30 Functional job directories, and 30 Benchmark job directories.

The following job directly sources reports.sh, then does gen_report:
 * Reports.make_pdf

The following tests don't start with Functional or Benchmark:
 * LTP
 * netperf
 * OpenSSL

== test definitions ==
There are 31 Functional test directories, and 33 Benchmark test directories.
 * Functional.fsfuzz is a test with no job
 * Functional.mesa-demos is a test with no job
 * Functional.libpng is a job with no test
   * apparently the test mechanisms used to be implemented as individual scripts under scripts/<phase>
     * e.g. scripts/build/Functional.libpng.sh
     * and scripts/deploy/Functional.libpng.sh
 * Benchmark.fs_mark is a test with no job
 * Benchmark.nbench_byte is a test with no job
   * but there's a Benchmark.nbench-byte
 * Benchmark.sysbench is a test with no job

=== .sh scripts ===
There are 29 Functional tests with .sh files:
 * Functional.fsfuzz has no .sh file
 * Functional.mesa_demos has not .sh file

There are 31 Benchmark tests with .sh files:
 * Benchmark.fs_mark has no .sh file
 * Benchmark.sysbench has no .sh file

=== Functional tests not sourcing functional.sh ===
There are 21 Functional .sh files that call functional.sh
Here are the ones that don't:
 * Functional.LTP.Devices
   * ltp-devices.sh sources a common script ../LTP/ltp.sh
   * it calls functional phases itself
 * Functional.LTP.Filesystem
   * ltp-filesystems.sh sources a common script ../LTP/ltp.sh
   * it calls functional phases itself
 * Functional.LTP.Open_Posix
   * ltp-open_posix.sh sources a common script ../LTP/ltp.sh
   * it calls functional phases itself
 * Functional.ft2demos
   * ft2demos.sh calls functional phases itself
 * Functional.netperf
   * netperf-func.sh sources netperf/netperf.sh
   * it calls test_run and get_testlog itself
 * Functional.OpenSSL
   * openssl-func.sh sources OpenSSL/openssl.sh
   * it calls test_run, get_testlog and test_processing itself
 * Functional.pi_tests
   * calls stress.sh

   * calls stress.sh

There are 2 Functional tests that source stress.sh

=== Benchmark tests not sourcing benchmark.sh ===
There are 28 Benchmark tests that source benchmark.sh.

Here are the ones that don't:
 * Benchmark.netperf
   * netperf-bench.sh sources netperf/netperf.sh
   * it calls test_run and bench_processing directly
 * Benchmark.NetPipe
   * NetPipe.sh sources functions.sh and overlays.sh
   * it calls pre_test, build, deploy, and test_run directly
     * it does not call set_testres_file, bench_processing, check_create_logrun

TBWiki engine 1.9.2 by Tim Bird