
Fuego 1.2 wiki


Release 1.2 To Do in split format


priorities for 1.2 release [edit section]

CodeFixthisList - fuego charts: - remove or convert all chart_configs to proper files - follow release check list on Fuego_release_process - resolve items from release testing: See release-1.2-test-2017-09-27 Notes
= priorities for 1.2 release =
== Free form list of items to do:
   - add checkbox and replot to flot plots? (maybe not)
 - document parser:parse_log and parser:common
 - review wiki and fix up all modified functions
 - review items on [[CodeFixthisList]]
 - fuego charts:
   - remove or convert all chart_configs to proper files
 - follow release check list on [[Fuego_release_process]]
 - resolve items from release testing:
   See [[release-1.2-test-2017-09-27 Notes]]

Documentation [edit section]

=== Documentation ==
Here are things needing documentation:
 - parser:parse_log
 - parser:common
 - per_job_build variable in spec files
 - document new APIS
   - function_is_on_sdk

What's left to do (tasks) [edit section]

== What's left to do (tasks) ==
Could not find page "Release_1.2_To_Do"
Problem reading page: Release_1.2_To_Do:openview show_edit_links=0 source_spec=#:data conf=
TBWiki engine 1.9.1 by Tim Bird