Test definition

A test in Fuego is defined by:

test elements table [edit section]

Here is the same information in table form

A test consists of the following files or items:
File or item  ^ format  ^ location  ^ description  ^ test type  ^
config.xml Jenkins XML /var/lib/jenkins/jobs/{test_name} (aka /home/jenkins/fuego/jobs/{test_name} Has the Jenkins (front-end) configuration for the test all
tarfile tar format /home/jenkins/tests/{test_name} Has the source code for the test program all
patches patch format /home/jenkins/tests/{test_name} Zero or more patches to customize the test program (applied during the unpack phase all
base script shell script /home/jenkins//tests/{test_name} Is the shell script that implements the different test phases in Fuego all
test spec JSON /home/jenkins/fuego/engine/overlays/test_specs Has groups of variables (and their values) that can be used with this test all
test plan(s) JSON /home/jenkins/fuego/engine/overlays/testplans/testplan_default.json (and others) Has the testplan(s) for this test all
p/n logs text /home/jenkins/tests/{test_name} Are logs with the results (positive or negative) parsed out, for determination of test pass/fail functional only
parser.py python /home/jenkins/tests/{test_name} Python program to parse benchmark metrics out of the log, and provide a dictionary to the Fuego plotter benchmarks only
reference.log Fuego-specific /home/jenkins/{test_name} Has the threshold values and comparison operators for benchmark metrics measured by the test benchmarks only
line added to tests.info JSON /home/jenkins/fuego/jobs/tests.info provides the names of metrics to be plotted for this benchmark benchmarks only

(See also Adding a test, Benchmark parser notes, parser.py, reference.log