Include Macro Help
example: {{Include(Other_Page)}}
would include the contents of the page 'Other_Page' into the current page, and parse it as tbwiki markup, for page output.
Note that the argument can be a reference to a page, a section, a block, or any other addressable item in the wiki.
example: {{Include(Other_page:my_block)}}
would retrieve the contents of the block named 'my_block' from the page 'Other_Page', and place it inline into this page.
Reference examples:
- page = SomePageName
- section = SomePageName#section_name
- block = SomePageName:BlockName
- record = SomePageName:TableBlockName:record_id
- field = SomePageName:TableBlockName:record_id::field_name
- block_field = SomePageName:TableBlockName:::field_name