
Fuego 1.0 wiki


ExportSite Help

The ExportSite processor allows the user to export this entire wiki as a set of static HTML pages.

Call the processor with config content, like so:

}} }

Controlling which pages to export [edit section]

If a page exists called "NoExport", then the contents of that page is treated as a list of pages that will not be exported by this processor. You can also specify a no export list in the config, as follows:


Specifying headers and footers [edit section]

If a hidden block named 'header' is on the same page as the block for the ExportSite processor, the contents of that block will be used as the header HTML for the static pages.

If a hidden block named 'footer' is on the same page as the block for the ExportSite processor, the contents of that block will be used as the footer HTML for the static pages.

Other, optional, config options are: 'export_header' and 'export_footer', which can be used to specify a non-default block name (using a full tbwiki item reference) for the header and footer blocks, respectively.

If the header or footer block is missing, or cannot be found, a default header and/or footer will used.

TBWiki engine 1.9.3 by Tim Bird