BootRegion Help
Processor arguments are:
- region - region to show information about
- format = a format string for the data. It should have named
format variables. You should always have a variable named 'content'.
For example:
- %(name)s = the name of the region
- %(min)s = the minimum time the region took to execute
- %(min_cmdline)s = the cmdline associated with the minimum time for the region
- %(min_config)s = the config associated with the minimum time for the region
- %(avg)s = the average time the region took to execute
- %(max)s = the maximum time the region took to execute
- %(max_cmdline)s = the cmdline associated with the maximum time for the region
- %(max_config)s = the config associated with the maximum time for the region
Example usage:
{{{#!BootRegion region=initcall.* format="%(name)s = Min of %(min)s when cmdline = %(min_cmdline)s"}}}