BootRegion Help
Processor arguments are:
- format=<report_type> = produce a table of links to boot data from the uploaded boot data instance files
- report_type is one of:
- report_table - list of boot data files that match 'match' and filter
- summary - summary of boot data for files that match 'match' and filter
- region_report - data about a specific region
- report_type is one of:
- boot_report - summary report of boot-time information for an individual file
- ic_table - initcall table for an individual file
- meta - meta-data table for an individual file
- reg_table - region table for an individual file
- diff - meta-data table for an individual file
- region - region to show information about
- region can be initcall, or boot marker region
- match=<regex> - specify a regular expression that boot-data filenames must match to be included in the results. If none provided, the regex "boot-data.*" is used
- filter=<criteria> - specify a criteria that meta-data must match to be included in the results
- file=<filename> - specify an individual boot data file for a report
- file2=<filename2> - specify an second individual boot data file for a report
- this is only used with the 'diff' report
- mask=<mask_list> - where <mask_list> is a comma-separated list of
meta-data attribute names to exclude from the table
- this is only used with the 'diff' report
- count=<n> - specify a limit on the number of entries for a table
- currently, only support for ic_table reports
# NOTE: format_str has not been tested yet
- format_str = a format string for the data. It should have named
format variables. The format string should use tbwiki markup.
For example:
- %(name)s = the name of the region
- %(min)s = the minimum time the region took to execute
- %(min_cmdline)s = the cmdline associated with the minimum time for the region
- %(min_config)s = the config associated with the minimum time for the region
- %(avg)s = the average time the region took to execute
- %(max)s = the maximum time the region took to execute
- %(max_cmdline)s = the cmdline associated with the maximum time for the region
- %(max_config)s = the config associated with the maximum time for the region
Example usage:
A list of boot data files for timslab:
{{{#!BootRegion format=report_table match="boot-data-timslab-.*"}}}
A summary of data for machine 'bp1'
{{{#!BootRegion format=summary match="boot-data-.*-bp1-.*"}}}
A report on initcall data for bp1
{{{#!BootRegion format=region_report match="boot-data-.*-bp1-.*" region=initcall_foo_bar}}}