Fuego To Do Staging Ground

Ideas from January 2017 [edit section]

Tim's ideas [edit section]

Ideas from 2016-12 [edit section]

Ideas from 2016-11 [edit section]

Ideas from 2016-07 [edit section]

Bugs? [edit section]

+ sshpass -e ssh -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o ConnectTimeout=15 -p root@ \
   'mkdir -p /tmp/jta.Benchmark.bc && cd /tmp/jta.Benchmark.bc && \
    cat /var/log/messages > bbb.2016-01-26_18-07-01.6.after'
Bad port 'root@'
+ abort_job 'Error while ROOTFS_LOGREAD command execution on target'

Artemi's items [edit section]

Here is a list that Artemi sent me in October, 2015

Other Ideas [edit section]

Jan-Simon Moller wrote:

Regarding docker installation vs. native - it really depends on your use-case and existing environment:

The docker *the* approach is the way to go for tests, development and small labs. I'd even go further and automate the container creation for AGL-JTA and e.g. standardize on debian jessie (or ubuntu 16.04).

For productive systems, we should be able to follow 'exactsteps' to do it on a physical or virtual hosts.

From LCJ LTSI meeting [edit section]

Here is Tim's summary of the items desired in Fuego, from the July 2016 meetings at LinuxCon Japan. There are two categories of material I would like to list: First is the list of ideas I presented at the LTSI workgroup meeting. The second set of material is additional ideas that people discussed with me after the meeting, that I think are worth considering. I have some short-term action items based on the discussions in Japan, that I'll put at the end.

Ideas Tim presented at LTSI meeting [edit section]

Here is the list of ideas for future work on Fuego that I presented at the LTSI meeting. This is a short list of projects that could be done in the near term.

Other issues from LCJ [edit section]

Here are other issues raised in the Fuego presentation session, and in hallway conversations at LCJ:

More CEWG issues [edit section]

Here were some other CEWG discussed at the LTSI meeting:

Action Items from July 2016 [edit section]

The 'list of people' action item is based on my losing track of the various people at LCJ who talked to me about Fuego. I'd like to get a list of the people actively working on it. Possibly, creating the mailing list will help.

Resolved [edit section]
