Elder Parker's Missionary Blog

Non vi ho dimenticato!!!

[I have not forgotten you!]



I still am alive here in Rome and I'm doing great. Recently I've been sending out a lot more personal emails, so sorry for the slack in these group ones. We did service this morning for a young adult member who needed help cleaning his house, it was really fun - and honestly one of the most satisfying p-days I've had!

Anyways, il lavoro va avanti! [work goes on!]

Sempre avanti, mai indietro con un sorriso [Always forward, never back with a smile]

Vi voglio un mondo di bene [I love you so much],

Anziano Samuel Parker

1 & 2 We ate a lot of brioche gelato this week (Anz Melling got me hooked - literally the best! I'm still trying to find the best 3 flavor combination, so send me suggestions.)

3 Italy

4 Tacos with Ludovico!!

5 A BYU hat! Just a random guy we met on the street, and then he accepted a Book of Mormon!

Un Nuovo Trasferimento!

[A New Transfer!]


Ciao Carissimi!

This week absolutely flew by, and a lot of stuff happened. Here's a list of the most important things:

-We had a second lesson with Severino, one of the most humble and sincere men I've met on my mission. He has such a great desire and love of the gospel! The only problem is he has to work on Sundays, so he's not able to come to church. In the mean time we've invited him to read the Book of Mormon and pray with us for miracles from his boss!

-We met with Giuseppe to talk about the lesson which teaches about the gospel of Jesus Christ. It's my favorite lesson to teach. I don't know why, but probably because it shows how simple and clear living the gospel is. The gospel is simple in it's lay out; faith, repentance, baptism, listening to the spirit, and persevering to the end!

-We had an impromptu lunch on Saturday with the Bishop and his wife. They live in a really cool small apartment on the top floor of a building. It was a really simple, but tasty meal of Carbonara, salad, and bread with prosciutto. Anz Velardi shared a scripture and thought with us all, and then the Bishop tied it into his talk the next day. It was pretty sweet!

-We had crazy, crazy transfers - and luckily nobody got lost traveling across Italy

-We had a Mission Leadership Conference (MLC) over Skype and we learned a lot of good ways we can do a better job of helping other missionaries. It's just so inspiring going to meetings like that!! #churchistrue

The best part of the week was a party that the sud americani [South Americans] put on. It was all the South American woman in the ward, and they invited all their friends! We had a lot of non-members there and we got to know a bunch of new people. We also played some really fun party games, accompanied by some great music!

This week I have reflected on and am so grateful for all our weaknesses and strengths we've been given. I started doing an activity that my MTC teacher Sorella Griffin invited us to do (points if you're reading this Sorella Griffin!) The idea is to write down and say out out loud "I am a Child of God" 10x every day. Every time I had a difficult moment or felt my capacities just weren't enough, that phrase ran through my mind and I was reminded of my divine potential, destiny, and role in God's plan. It's such a powerful phrase. In fact, President Nelson said that the most effective way to help people who are struggling is to "teach them their identity and their purpose." So.... just think about that! Your life is much more than where you're at right now, it's all about where you are going, and whether or not you truly want to get there!

Alla prossima ragazzi!

Anziano Samuel Parker

1 Piazza del Popolo

2 #compunity [companion unity]

3 Rome 1 Missionaries! Sorella Denti is 90 years old and still going strong!

Il Vaticano e Tanto Cibo...... e la famiglia!!

[The Vatican and Tanto Cibo ...... and the family !!]


Hey everyone!!

Soooo, I got off my game last week, but I'll try to fill you in. To sum up the previous week, we had some great lessons (and one really cool walk all the way through centro Roma - past all the main piazze [squares] to get to the metro!) Anz Huntsman and I also had an absolutely amazing scambio [exchange] where we were able to talk to a lot of people about the church (including 2 Catholic Priests, one friendlier than the other). I was just amazed at how easy it was to start conversations with people that weren't just "surface-level," but got to the more important things right away!

You will not believe how awesome the Rome temple is! Whenever people ask what church we are from, we explain we're "Mormoni," or from "La Chiesa di Gesł Cristo dei Santi degli Ultimi Giorni" [The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.] Then we can pull out a temple bigliettino [card] and ask if they have see this building - it's right next to the biggest mall in Rome, and on the side of the freeway. The people here are really excited about it and that they will be able to enter and see the inside of it, within a year. Some people have even promised me that they will be there for the open house next January! (It helps when you talk to architects and they're immediately intrigued by the complex, modern, and yet somehow classical looking structure on the card I show them! Having it so close is definitely making me miss being able to go to the temple on a regular basis, but patience is a virtue!

I've also been so blessed recently to have some clarity of mind, a sort of peace, which really helps me follow the spirit each day. I had a scambio [an exchange] with Anz Sanchez, and we had such a great time talking to people 24/7 and looking for ways we could serve, while going to appointments. (This makes exchanges with 2 out of 3 of my MTC roommates, I just need a scambio with Anz Imes now!)

One of the most touching moments of the week was when Anz Sanchez offered to carry the grocery bag of a woman and we walked with her to her house down the street. She was so touched, she started crying, and it just made me so happy to see someone so touched by such a simple act of service. It really makes me want to serve others even more! (Anz Melling was also a good example and was always serving others - he kills it.)

My favorite part of the week was being able to call [Skype] with my family for Mother's day. We had so many good laughs together, and it was really cool to see all of them, especially all my brothers. I loved being able to bear my testimony and explain the blessings I've seen here in the mission field. It truly has changed my life, and I'm so grateful that God has given me the opportunity to share this gospel with others.

Vi voglio bene tutti!!! [I love you all !]

Anziano Samuel Parker

1 Finally hit up the Vatican!!!

2 Saw ex-Sorella Taylor Holiday in church! #StocktonReunited

3 The trio of gelato: Martin, Anz Sanchez e io [and me]

4 Missing my Dad here, but family is so awesome!!!

5 Inside St Peter's Basilica

6 the district!

Week 52 - Happy Birthday Anz Melling


First off, happy birthday to my companion, Anziano Melling - I love the guy to bits, and now he's officially 21! Sadly, I only spent like half the week with him due to several scambi [exchanges] we did.

It was a crazy busy week, and we had a lot of fun visits with members! On Monday night Anz Sanchez and I visited the Rossetti family - it was so fun to have a proprio [proper] family home evening with an all member family, something I haven't been able to experience for a long time.

On Wednesday I went with Anz Sanchez to a ward picnic. It was "Giorno di Liberazione" [Liberation Day] here in Italy, the day the Americans liberated Italy from the Germans during WWII #MURICA! We had an amazing time at the park, and it was wonderful to see the ward members and their families all together!

On Friday I got to do a scambio with Anz Moscon, who is a missionary in Rome 3 and Anz Melling got to go with Anz Strong, my old comp! Anz Moscon and I taught the most "golden" referrals we've ever been given. Matt and his brother Changkuoth found out about the church online by talking to someone on Mormon.Org and then Anz Melling and Anz Sanchez dropped off a Book of Mormon to them really quick on Sunday. By the time Anz Moscon and I were able to meet with them, they had already read the Introduction, the 3 testimonies found in the front, and the first chapter of 1 Nephi! We reread the Introduction with them which lead naturally into the lesson on the Restoration, a pretty magical lesson! They tried to come to church on Sunday, but weren't able to make it, so we're looking forward to helping them out this next week!

Probably one of the coolest moments of the week, came when I was teaching a lesson with my old MTC companion Anz Bardsley. It was probably a year to the day when we were teaching together one of our last role plays in the MTC before coming here to Italy! We were teaching Jude, a man who came into church last Sunday. We taught him about why we have the Book of Mormon and how it doesn't negate or take away from the Bible, but simply adds to it. It's crazy to think how far Anz Bardsley and I have come from those days of trying to teach "Simone" and "Polin" in the Missionary Training Center. The gift of tongues and guidance of the spirit are real folks.

I finished the book "Our Search for Happiness" by M. Russell Ballard this week, and it helped me gain a greater appreciation for the core principles and doctrines of the gospel of Christ and His restored church. Everything is so clear, because we believe in continuing revelation from God, which I have come to realize and understand is the foundation of all things related to His guidance for us here on this earth - the keystone if you will, of living in this mortal existence.

Have a great Giorno di Lavoro domani!!! [Job Day tomorrow]

Pace fuori [peace out],

Anziano Samuel Parker

1 Found some used converse and bartered for them! Anz Melling helped me get them down pretty low!

2 Really cool guy named Angelo I got to talk to Sunday night

3 Birthday hats

4 Just a nice walk past the Vatican on the way back from a members house!

5 Where we'll be playing zone calcio next pday, right in front of the temple - so pumped!!!!

6 First time eating pesto in over a transfer #toolong

Week 51 - Break a leg Velardi!



This is it.

I'm finally writing a solid weekly.

......deep breath.......

As I probably say every time I write one of these - "We had a great week!" (like there's no other way to describe it, everything went pretty well!)

First thing that comes to mind and one the funnier things we did, was become official members of the Rome Library System! Anziano Melling bought a year membership, so now we can do stuff at every single library in Rome! Mainly it is useful because it gives us access to computers for working on documents, because we don't have access at the church. I hope I'm making my dad proud, since I know he loves getting library cards wherever he travels (he even got one in Hawaii one time, even though they were there for just a couple days! #ATrueLibrarian

One of the things we did was to put the ward list into a Google Doc that now the missionaries will have access to, to edit and use for missionary work. I don't know, but I get super excited every time I find a way to tie Google Sheets into missionary work - I'm such an accountant. I also got something set up to keep track of things for the Zone.

The exciting stuff happened on Friday and Saturday, when I got to do a scambio with Anz Jensen here in our area! It felt like I did a scambio [exchange] with him just yesterday at Terni - time flies! We had a killer time, and I got to see more of his legendary finding skills in action - he's just so natural at bringing up the gospel with people and always staying positive. We had an amazing lesson with Giuseppe Friday and he remembered everything we taught him on Wednesday - when we watched "The Restoration" with him. We were able to bear some powerful testimony of the truth and beauty of the Plan of Salvation that Heavenly Father has provided for us, His children. It's was a beautiful lesson, very simple, and reading from various chapters in 2 Nephi to explain it. Giuseppe is super in gamba, so glad I have the chance to teach him! He also gave HIMSELF a baptismal date, we didn't even ask him - he called us! He's planning on being baptized the 16th of June, so we're looking forward to preparing him for that.

The rest of the scambio was spent trying to contact previous investigators of Anz Jensen, because he started his mission in Rome 1! We had a miracle on Saturday morning, being able to run into a member per caso [by chance] on our way out of the metro! We had called him and he wasn't available to meet with us, but we ran into him anyway. We had to go into his area to pick something up, and just by chance we ran into him - it made our day! We also had the chance to spend a lot of time with Martin - literally the best member missionary in existence. I won't go into a lot of detail about him this week because I'm sure I'll have many more opportunities to talk about him, but he's really tight with Anz Jensen and we had an amazing time visiting people together. Then we prepared for a farewell party/testimony meeting Saturday night for Adrian and Matteo, who are heading out on missions during the next two weeks (Adrian to Milano 🇮🇹 and Matteo to Calgary Canada. The spirit was pretty powerful and I'm so glad I get to see such strong youth here in the church in Italy!

The title of this weeks blog comes from the biggest change of the week. Turns out our housemate Anz Velardi is out of commission because of a skin infection he got on his leg. (Basically a second layer of skin got infected and he can't put any stress on it or agitate it without it spreading.) This means he's home bound until Thursday, so we'll be taking turns among the other 3 of us (Anz Sanchez, Melling and I) staying inside with him during the day. Anz Sanchez and I spent some time together with our Ward Mission Leader Fratello Aranda. He cares SO much about the missionaries, he's amazing! Also, we hung out with the Sorelle and Adrian and went to Piazza San Pietro at the Vaticano, [Saint Peter's Square at the Vatican]. We are saving a trip inside for another day.

An important thing that I learned this week is how important the doctrine is, and that we should have the desire to continue increasing our spiritual knowledge! I learned a lot from Anz Jensen and Anz Melling just talking with them. I'm so excited that I still have a year of studies to take advantage of! Learning doctrine is so important because it explains the "why" behind everything we do - our purpose, why we are missionaries, and why we need to keep the commandments.

The Church is true, prophets are inspired and directed by God, Jesus Christ and the Holy Ghost, and this is a divine work serving the people of Italy!

Pace fuori! [Peace Out!]

Anziano Samuel Parker

MTC Roommates and now we're here!

Lunch with Adrian (right) and Matteo (left)

Anz Jensen and Martin

First time drinking Root Beer in a long time

When tourists ask you to take their photo.. .

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Elder Samuel Parker
Italy Rome Mission

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Elder Samuel Parker
Italy Rome Mission
Piazza Monte Gemma 9
00141 Rome RM